Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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DIFFA - Dining by Design, Atlanta, 2009

We are SO excited that our very first post on our much anticipated blog is to tell you all about one of the most amazing opportunities afforded us - To be a contributing designer for the DIFFA (Design Industries Fighting Aids), Dining by Design event held at ADAC (Atlanta Decorative Arts Center) this past October  10-12, 2009.  We were asked by our sponsor, Insidesign, to design one of just (18) 11'x11' tabletop spaces. We were thrilled to work beside designers such at Marc Blackwell, Jamie Drake, Jason Wu, Shane Meder, Stan Topol, Scott Reed, Michael Habachy, Corey McIntosh and others.

The inspiration for our invent started with a recent piece of art, named "Life is Ruff",  by Arizona artist Ron Burns. With the economy in a state of flux, the recent historic floods in Atlanta, and the challenge of the AIDS virus worldwide, we felt this theme was appropriate.  Our interpretation however, was a positive one - filled with glitz, glamour and whimsy as we combined Ron's art with artistic finishes, silk, velvet and bedazzled Milkbone dog bones!


The doors enclosing our space were masterfully faux finished by Kass Wilson of Wallstreat Artistic Finishes.

"Life is Ruff" slept thru the entire 3-day event!

Joann, Kelly and Donaldo at the Saturday Night Cocktail Event

Joann, Donaldo of Shane Meder & Associates and Kelly celebrating on Saturday night.


Wipe Your Paws for DIFFA

Yes, we bedazzled lots and lots of dog bones with silver paint and crystals!


Kelly, just a weee bit thrilled to be celebrating the success of A LOT of hard work!