Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Our Annual Shareholders Meeting

Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs, Inc. was established in 2005 as an S-Corp.  Therefore, we are required by our corporate bi-laws to have an Annual Shareholders Meeting.  Well, it just so happens that there's only two of us to attend such a meeting. No worries! Just one requirement - we needed to escape the distractions and chaos of our offices and motherhood in order to really focus on the tasks at hand.  Our solution? A night out at the W Hotel Midtown Atlanta!

But first, we had to enjoy some brain food at Spice Market...

Then of course, it was imperative that we clear our minds before our goal planning/strategy meeting by indulging ourselves with the famous Bliss Spa Triple Oxygen Facial.....

Still in our robes, we set up our meeting room....

Many hours later, we had written down pages and pages of the specifics of our goals and aspirations for 2010.  Our goals ranged from hiring a new Design Assistant, to revamping our website to creative marketing efforts to purchasing Studio I.T.You know from our previous blog that we are big vision makers.  Now this is no lie - within 18 hours of leaving the W hotel, we 1) received a email regarding an amazing Design Assistant candidate from one of my design school teachers 2) we received a cold call and email from a very cool, young company that designs websites solely for creative professionals like Interior Designers and 3) one of our all time best clients referred us a new client.  Karma is real!So we are officially jazzed about the prospects of 2010.  Be on the look out for great things from Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs!

"Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience."

-Eddie Rickenbacker