Continued Karma

Ok, now I'm getting really freaked out.  If you've been following our blog, you know that we've set a lot of goals for ourselves in 2010 and have been very visual about these goals.  Another karma experience happened today!!!Let me preface this story by telling you that several years ago, Joann and I attended a keynote presentation at ADAC (Atlanta Decorative Arts Center) given by Steve Nygren, one of the founders of Serenbe.  Joann and I sat in awe of the story Steve proceeded to tell about his vision of developing an urban development that has become "a national model for the future of balanced development in the U.S.— focusing on land preservation, agriculture, energy efficiency, green building, walkability, high density building, arts and culture, and community living for multiple generations."  Serenbe is a 1,000 acre community located just outside downtown Atlanta that the New York Times recently dubbed a "Sonoma of the South".  (Believe me if my kids weren't firmly planted in their school, I would have upped and moved there). If you think it's a community of hippies, think again.

Fast forward to last week when Joann and I detailed all of our 2010 goals down on paper.  Number 4 on the list? "Continue to explore new venues, vendors and places - particularly SERENBE."

Now fast forward to today.  While meeting with a new client to discuss renovating three of the bathrooms in her home, we are discussing at great length her desires for the functionality of the bathroom, the feel of the space and the use of sustainable products.  Then our clients says, "kind of like at Serenbe....." Turns out she recently went on a girlfriends weekend to Serenbe and was impressed with the principles of environmental sustainability that are infused into all areas of design and living at Serenbe.   Now keep in mind that for the average Joe, Serenbe is still a well kept secret so the fact that our client is bringing up Serenbe as it relates to the project we are about to start is ...... well.... CONTINUED KARMA!

ADAC, Goals and Dreams, Serenbekelly