Our 5 Top Tips to Refresh Your Home for Spring

"Spring is natures way of saying, 'Let's Party!' " - Robin Williams

Well, if that's the case, then we must prepare our homes - right?  So here are our Top Five Tips to Refresh Your Home for Spring....

1.  Throw open the windows and air out those sheets

Lighten up your bedding and your attitude!

2.  Revitalize furniture with some new throw pillows

(these are just $25 at Pier I)

3.  Put away the Spiced Pumpkin and Balsam Bark candles - Bring spring inside with scents of Peony, Gardenia, Lavender and Linen!

(P.S. Trapp Candles will smell up your entire home .... aaaahhhh)

4.  Spruce up that party area!

Now is the time to hit the antique marts/junk shops/garage sales and reinvent with paint! (Oh yeah - don't forget pillows, slipcovers and tablecloths work wonders too).

5.  Plan a party to welcome SPRING!

We love these plates from La Plates.

Photos courtesy of Serena & Lilly, Apartment Therapy, Pier I, and La Plates