Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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"Winning Wall Galleries"

Wall galleries are a way of displaying a group of items or photographs that are memorable, meaningful and worthy of showcasing.  Take a look at some samples below.

The "initials" are a nice touch

Silhouettes are just "classic" and look awesome on this blue wall

What better way to show off your children's art - frame them like they are masterpieces!!

How about just frames?

Or pictures inside of open frames?

Now this idea is ingenious - taking vintage photos and framing them in silver trays and plates

Here is a quick tip in helping to arrange your wall: Cut shapes and sizes of items with craft paper and place them with tape on the wall.  Once you get the look you want, start hanging!

and here's the final product!

Photos courtesy of:  Heidi Peters, Your Decorating Hotline, Laura Nelson, Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs, Inc.