Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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The more things change, The more they stay the same

I'm counting down the days (17 to go) before my family and I return to Westhampton, NY where I've spent every summer of my 42 years. What's funny is, the things I look forward to the most are the same exact things six generations of my family have enjoyed.

Like fishing for snappers off the dock or blues on the bay....

(P.S. Do you think that my daughter resembles me?)

Having a house full of Labs.....

Boating then....

And Now....

Appreciating the special history of the S.S. Sailboat

Loving the house my great, great grandmother lived in.....

Which is now the house my parents call HOME (ok with a few renovations) .....

Wistfully watching the sun on the horizon.....

Loving the smell of the bay, of crabs, of farm stand tomatoes and steaming corn on the cob.....

Looking forward to the yummy lunches, challenging waves and hot sand at the Quantuck Beach Club....

Yearning for the sounds of the boats at the dock, the cars on the gravel driveway and the Purple Martins learning to fly.....

And most of all cherishing the memories and love of generations of family......