Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Movin' On Up - Part IV

After three back breaking, hot and sweaty, exhilarating load in days, we have finally moved in to our new offices in Historic Downtown Acworth! We are still in the process of beautifying, but have to hit the road for our long awaited 2010 Business of Design Conference in NYC tomorrow. We've had so much support and enthusiastic Facebook cheerleaders, we wanted to at least share the progress we made this past week. This is just a portion of the space - look out for "Movin' On Up Part V" in 2 weeks (we've got several goodies in the works)!

Thursday evening, my friend Amy and I (and our friend Pinot all with my dog Lilly) tackled our custom designed Mod Green Pod fabrics and transformed them into art for the conference room....

Friday morning the moving guys were late so Joann and I got a little anxious.......

Looking at this photo makes me want to run away screaming.....

But is this a fabric library to die for or what????

Remember this from our Movin On Up Part I?

Well, now it looks like this:)

We LOVE our custom made galvanized steel desks on repurposed legs made by Kemp Designs.

And my peaceful Buddha from Viva Terra and repurposed chair keeps me very happy:)

Stay Tuned for More!