Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Joann's Trip to Italy - Part 3

Our final two destinations were Sicily and Rome.   This is in Agrigento - my mother's home town and the view from my aunt's balcony

This part of the trip was very exciting  for me.   I was meeting my mother's sister and several cousins for the first time

They took us to the Valley of the Temples - built between 510 BC and 430 BC

This is a fallen temple that resembles a giant man!

We travelled around my mother's childhood hangouts

I loved my "2nd cousin" Salvatore with his Vespa and cool Prada shoes! - We're facebook friends now thanks to Google Translator!

It was interesting to see the decor of the homes my family lived in - very "fancy and elegant"

They took us to their beach house in San Leone along the mediterranean - BEAUTIFUL!!

It was time to leave for our last destination - Rome.  It was very emotional saying Goodbye

We were pretty exhausted by this point but mustered up the energy for a whirlwind site seeing trip.  I had pictured the Coliseum to be much bigger and not so close to the road.  It was truly a sight to see.

It felt strange to have seen these places in photos and movies and then be right there standing in front of them.    I loved the marble buildings and statues.

There was a wedding party on the street - how cool would it be to get married there?

The cobblestone streets and ancient ruins were my favorite

Our two weeks were over, it was a trip of a lifetime.  I feel so fortunate to have been able to experience this wonderful part of the world and see where my parents were born and raised.  I feel happy and blessed to have shared this with my mother.