Getting Crafty

I am constantly amazed by the creative talent out there.  I was browsing through pinterest and in just a few minutes saw all of these cool ideas:

I am totally stealing this idea for my next get together

Speaking of chalkboard ideas, taking a crib and making it into a craft center? How creative is that from Ohdeedoh?

I admit I am not the  best gift wrapper (that's Kelly's job) but this from spunkyjunky really inspires me to be better!

This from Purlbee really got me motivated.  We have zillions of fabric swatches in our office and I can't wait to do this - All I need is the embroidery hoops and a pair of scissors!

As soon as the weather gets a little cooler, I'm immediately driven to work on a craft project.  If you've got any great craft/do it yourself ideas, send them to us and we may post them in an upcoming blog!!