Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Mother's Day Giveaway!!

In honor of Mother's Day - we are giving away one of my favorite books by Alexandra Stoddard - Living a Beautiful Life~ 500 Ways To Add Elegance, Order, Beauty and Joy to Every Day of Your Life 

I read this book for the very first time about 15 years ago and it has had a profound influence on me and my design style which is why I selected it as our give away.   The premise of this book is to create something special out of the ordinary.   "Make the things you do every day as beautiful and pleasurable as possible is a way to live a happy life."

How to Win:

 1. Leave a comment on this post.

2. Visit our Facebook Page, “like” us and leave a comment on our wall.

3. Tweet about our giveaway.

4. Email us at newsletter@kandrac-kole.com and tell us you want to receive our monthly newsletter.

The winner will be drawn at random and announced on Friday, May 11th! (pssst… do all (4) of the above and have (4) chances to win!)