Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Room Service Atlanta Project - Part 4

Monday is the big day when we come together with 15 other amazing designers who have all given their time, energy, design skill and resources at no charge to transform the Sam Bell Cottage at the United Methodist Children's Home - another philanthropic project spear headed by Erika Ward and Dayka Robinson founders of Room Service Atlanta.

So before we say "MOVE THAT BUS!" Here's a sneak peak at a transformation that you won't believe!

When we first saw our room for the first time, this is what it looked like (pay attention to the table):

We were told we could keep whatever we wanted for the space. We decided that we would only keep the table and the chairs and repurpose them.

See, when you hire an interior designer, these types of miracles happen. Here's the reinvention:

Our amazing faux artist, Joan, lovingly (cough cough) painted 300 rivets on the table to make the boring wood look like galvanized steel. Wicked huh?

Hopefully the quote painted in the center of the table will inspire the young men would will be living in this cottage come November.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King