Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Home Is Where The Heart Is - Guatemala Style - Part 2

"The secret to happiness: Find something more important that you are and dedicate  your live to it." - Dan Dennett

This is how I feel about my connection with Mimi's House - a girls orphanage in Guatemala run by Paula and Fontaine Greene, Founders of Catalyst Resources International.


Mimi's House currently houses, educates, and spiritually and physically nourishes eleven girls.  My husband Mike and I are proud sponsors of one of the girls named Allison.


The need in Guatemala is great for discarded, unwanted babies to be cared for. It is heartbreaking. Paula and Fontaine have purchased the property adjoining their current facilities to open Mimi's House 2 which will be an orphanage for six infant girls.

I visited Guatemala in October on a semi-pleasure trip to visit Paula and Fontaine and to deliver gifts (more beds, sheets, blankets, kitchen needs) to the family we had built a house for in June. Well God had additional plans for me.


Who would have thought that my interior designs skills would carry over to my work in Guatemala? It has been an unexpected blessing for me to be able to give of myself this way.


Turns out that Mimi's House 2 needs decor!  Woohooo! So with the help of Sue Cruickshank, my seamstress in Atlanta,  Polka Tot Designs in Mobile, AL and my friends at FLOR, I was able to put together designs for each room.

We've got Nursery #1:

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And Nursery #2:

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The Playroom:

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And the Nannie's Room:

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So Sue is busy busy custom making all the draperies and crib sets. When she is finished, I will ship everything to the next team traveling to Guatemala at the beginning of January.

I will be returning in June so I will be able to show you these designs in real life then!

For now, here's a great video that CRI just made. You will see why my heart is firmly planted in Guatemala.

Click HERE.

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