Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Who Wants To Win a Ticket To Design Camp in Seattle?


We were lucky enough to spend 2 days at Design Camp Atlanta in January, and now we want to pass that AMAZING opportunity along to you!


After having made some new BFFs with Lori Dennis and Kelli Ellis at Design Blogger’s Conference in LA, we have an exciting announcement!



to giveaway to one lucky reader!!!! Thanks to these amazing women,celebrity designers, & design camp founders:

Kelli Ellis & Lori Dennis

You could be networking and schmoozing with design stars while learning the business of design in May!!!!

Win a ticket worth $1297 for two days of events and inspiration from May 1-May 3!!!!!!

All you have to pay for is your travel & hotel, the rest is covered!!!


You might remember us blogging about our incredible experience at Design Camp Atlanta! Don’t you want to join in on the fun and get priceless advice about the design industry?


We are thrilled at  the possibility to pass along this experience for one of you to attend this inspirational two day seminar with amazing speakers and events!  The who's who in the industry will be there.  Don't you want to come along?

Whether you are a seasoned design professional or you are just getting your feet wet, this camp has something to offer! The counselors are celebrity designers, authors, and have been featured on HGTV! Who better to learn from than the best?!


This camp will have speakers from around the country. Nathan Turner is a renowned designer and expert. His work has been featured in Architectural Digest, Vouge Living, Elle Décor, and House Beautiful, just to name a few!


Randall Whitehead will be speaking on a topic we have a love-hate relationship with, architectural lighting! The founder of one of our favorite design blogs Coco+Kelley will be speaking! Bill Indurskey from V&M, Leslie Newsom Rascoe,  Jillian St. Charles, Helene Hollub, Shay Geyer… The list goes on and on and ON!

You can check out the full list and all of their amazing credentials HERE.

"Design Camp begins Wednesday night with a kick off Cocktail Party, introducing your hosts, sponsors and speakers. Bright and early on Thursday morning your intense, educational journey begins with learning the foundation building fundamentals of today's design processes, tools and trends. Thursday caps with another Red Carpet Cocktail gathering to cement your new relationships with the Design elite. Friday’s schedule forges ahead with the building of design relationships and how to acquire and monetize an envied social presence. The day progresses with invaluable topics about managing and marketing your projects and your brand, publishing and marketing a book and how to take your talents to TV."

 This is certainly an opportunity you don't want to miss!!!


So Here's How to Enter to Win...

Go meander (and drool) over at the Design Camp website for more details and then come back here to our blog and leave a comment on this blog post! Make sure your comment includes your name and email address!

Want To Increase Your Chances...??

Tweet about the Design Camp giveaway by mentioning Kandrac and Kole (@kandrackole) in your tweet!

For more information about Design Camp Seattle sign up to follow Design Camp on twitter here, or "Like" The Design Camp Facebook Page Here!!!

You may comment daily, until the winner

is announced on…….April 1st!!

Good Luck!!!