Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Now is the Time to Support Kelly as a Highpoint Style Spotter!

For years and years, Joann and I have plotted and planned our route - navigating the maze of showrooms at the semi-annual Highpoint Furniture Market visiting the showrooms we love and always hunting for a hidden gem of a new vendor.  As a designer, it's a crucial time to tap into trends and new products first hand!


For years our talented designer friends (Tobi Fairley, Shay Geyer, Traci Zeller, Jennifer Mehditash, Stacy Naquin, Lisa Mende, Jennifer Brouwer, Wanda Horton and others) graced the stage before Kandrac & Kole as Highpoint Stylespotters. HUH? What about us? We want to join the party too!!

So now is that time! Woohoooo! Thank you to the powers that be for recognizing Kandrac Kole as a power spotter for what's HOT at Highpoint!

We are very honored to be in the same category as the following designers and bloggers:

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So what exactly is a Style Spotter? 

Style Spotters are trendsetters that see ahead of the curve in home fashion trends. We will walk the show, capturing images of our favorite looks and on-trend products. The Style Spotters will pin those photos to our  Pinterest board and will list the exhibitor’s name and showroom number. We will also present the exhibitor with a sign that highlights the Style Spotter’s name with a QR code and URL for the Pinterest board.

Now here's the key -

We need your support! We are counting on all of our readers, friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers off the street to go to Pinterest and LIKE and REPIN the images on the Kelly Kole Highpoint Pinterest Board. Why? Cuz we want to WIN!!

Starting Friday, April 19th at noon, click HERE to see Kelly's Pins and "LIKE" them! She will be pinning her choices until Monday.