Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Brizo Blogger 19 Reunion and a Timely Bath Renovation

The time has come for the brilliant Brizo brand to commander an extraordinary group of interior designers and bloggers from around the United States for a Blogger 19 reunion to be held in Memphis, TN starting next Tuesday!

Boy did we have fun last year in NYC meeting the uber talented fashion designer and Brizo partner Jason Wu!

Blogger 19

Photo courtesy of http://www.moddesignguru.com


To read more about the fun and learning that was had last year, click HERE and HERE. 

I am incredibly honored and excited to part of such an exemplary group of men and women (yes there are a few guys thrown in!).

This year is a special thrill for me because we will be visiting the St. Judes Children's Research Hospital which Brizo has a long standing partnership with. Please pass the tissues - I will be a mess!


Photo courtesy of http://www.stjude.org

Of course reuniting with the talented team at Brizo faucet is coming at the perfect time. I've finally decided to bite the bullet and renovate my master bathroom.

Now don't be afraid to admit it - does your bathroom faucet look like mine?


Now this is what I'm talkin' about!! It's art in a faucet (this one is the Virage).

brizo faucet

Despite the fact that I left my beloved Cannon Rebel camera (in the bag with my extra lens, cords, etc.) on the flight to Boston last week and I'm still nauseous about it (no it wasn't returned), I will be sure to be sharing lots of images and stories of our Brizo Blogger 19 trip this year!

And oh yeah- stay tuned to find out more about my bathroom renovation....

