Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Open Your EYES in Your Home!

Ok, confession time. I, to, start to "not see" things in my own home (my husband would disagree because I'm ALWAYS editing).

Case in point: Does this silk arrangement in an antique floral vase look like my style????


The answer? HECK NO!

Maybe 10 years ago when I liked more traditional styles. I was actually quite proud of this creation.  This (ugly.... I mean outdated) arrangement sits in a niche in my foyer.

This is what is on the side:


Now, do these two decor styles mix in any way? Not in my opinion. How was I tolerating this design injustice? I'm not quite sure. Laziness? Blindness? I'm ashamed of myself.

But honestly, we all get to a point where we don't see things anymore. You just walk by (note: this can apply to so many things....)

My advice - walk around your house with eyes wide open. Pretend I'm with you and you're showing me your home for the first time. Do you see anything extremely wrong like my silk arrangement??

Then call me to fix it (I'm only kind of kidding...)

So here's my fix in my own home - "Lilly" the Angel (named by her creator Tony England) lovingly made out of vintage furniture pieces (her dress is an upside down piano leg from the late 1800's).  I purchased her last weekend at Scott's Antique Market where Tony has been a dealer for 21 years. I adore her.


Better huh?

Now go walk around your home and report back with your own confession. Don't be afraid.
