Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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A Quick Refresh in My Foyer

Remember in my post last week how I encouraged everybody to walk thru your homes with eyes wide open? Well, I took my own advice and had a little "refresh party" in my foyer. I couldn't help myself (imagine my husband rolling his eyes right about now).

Right around the corner from my new angel is this chest:


I love the chest and my yogi girls but can't stand the clock (notice it only has one hand and it has never worked). The lamp is a Homegoods find from ages ago - not my style anymore.

Hmmmmm....... what can I edit in my house? How about this pizza tray I bought at Scott's Antique Market that was hanging in my kitchen? I just framed a piece of art that my daughter Riley painted and hung it in it's place so it needs a new home.


Oh yes! It's the perfect size but it has to be dressed up. So thanks to my good friend and talented artist Joan Borawski as well as one of my favorite go to sources for lighting Currey & Co., we are REFRESHED!!


What do you think?