Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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The Maine Event

Hello, junior designer Lauren here! I just couldn't help but share about my trip to Maine with Thos. Moser and 7 other super talented designer and architects! I hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoyed my trip!

I could not have imagined what was waiting for me when I boarded my flight, Boston bound for the Maine Event hosted by Thos. Moser. I had no idea the amazing people, places, and experiences that were waiting for me when I touched down. From the moment I got there, I was in Maine heaven!


Our first stop was to the most adorable place I have ever laid my eyes on, Freeport, Maine and our home for the next three days. We stayed at the charming Harraseeket Inn right on Main Street.


We ate delicious meals at some beautiful places like the Royal River Grillhouse. Dining with some of the amazing Thos. Moser team was a real opportunity to get a better feel for this historic and family-centered business.


The next day we ventured past the Moser’s past home and the original workshop, which was part of the “grange” or community center. Don’t you just love that amazing weathered siding??



We were off to the workshop to get our official tour and to meet our cabinetmakers. Each piece is custom made for an order and built especially for you.


Each cabinetmaker starts their day by selecting which piece to build off of this whiteboard, and then they built it from the timber to the finish all done by one person.


They believe in the preservation of the natural quality of the wood. From matching the grains, to using an oil finish instead of a stain, the integrity is the most important thing.




Now for the fun part! I had the honor of working with Jill, whose title may be cabinetmaker but I consider an artist. We worked (i.e. Jill worked) all day on Thursday to attach the spindles, connect the arm, and sand the seat. And then we sanded, and sanded, and then sanded some more.



On Friday we attached the legs.



And then I got to test out my work of art.


The most amazing part of my trip was the signing ceremony. After we all finished our pieces, all of the cabinetmakers gathered around as we shared the meaning of this experience with them. And then, one by one we each signed our piece of furniture, just as the cabinetmakers do with every piece they finish.



Then it was off to the oiling room. We sprayed down my piece and then I kissed it good-bye before sending it off to be waxed.


Run by Tom Moser and three of his sons, David, Aaron, and Andy, Thos. Moser is truly a company built on great people and exceptional handcrafted furniture. It was obvious from the second that we entered the workshop that everyone who works at Thos. Moser from Tom, to the cabinetmakers, to the lovely ladies in customer service, that everyone has a honest sense of pride about their furniture and their company.


I am beyond thankful for this amazing opportunity. I had a great time, learned more than I could ever share, and built some invaluable relationships. Thank you to the Thos. Moser and Whitegoods teams! Also, a big thank you to the 7 other super talented and fun ladies who were able to share this experience with me: Lira LuisCarmen ChristensenMarilyn RussellSusan WelkerLori GilderSusan Serra, and Sarah Sarna.