Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Inside the House of Kandrac Kole

I was contacted by Charlotte of Rise Art a few weeks ago telling me that she loved our blog and thought our style fit perfectly with their company.  They asked me to participate in an editorial called "Inside the House of our Top Favourite Bloggers".

kandrac-Family Room 1

Kandrac Family Room - 2

photo credit

In the article, I talk about my personal style and explain how I came up with the color palette for my family room.  You can read it HERE!

I also discuss an art piece from Rise Art that speaks to me and  for those of you who know my love for Italy, it's not surprising, what I selected.

Rise Art was started by two close friends.   The company is driven by a passion for art, technology and helping artists support and expand their practice.

There were two things that really impressed me about them.  One is that they launched Art for Care.  This is a program where every piece of artwork purchased on Rise Art, the co-founders donate an art kit to children in hospitals.  They are individually wrapped and each pack contains an array of pencils, a coloring book, and a blank journal for children to write in.  Each year 1 in 15 children are admitted to a hospital, a scary experience for anyone of a young age.  Access to visual art and the opportunity to draw and create has shown to greatly reduce anxiety in children.  How awesome is that?

Rise Art Package

 The other unique feature about Rise Art is that they allow you to "rent" art.  This was launched to help people collect art without the risk.  Buying art should be fun and exciting.  Often, however, discovering the perfect piece can be a challenge.  Something might look wonderful in an art gallery, a fair or online - but will you enjoy living with it for years and will it even fit on your wall?  Learn more about this unique option HERE!

Selecting art is one of the most challenging aspects in our designs.  I'm not selecting art merely for size and color, I want it to have significance and meaning.

Want to know your art personality?  Take this free style quiz!
