Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Like Father, Like Son

I attended a tribute to fathers and sons on Father's Day Weekend to see world-renowned Georgia artists, Thomas Arvid and Steve Penley, and their sons who had a special show together at dk Gallery titled "Like Father Like Son".  

Arvid:Penley Group - Kandrac & Kole Blog

photo credit - Spravka Imaging

dk Gallery, owned and operated by Donna Krueger is in the heart of downtown Marietta, Georgia.  Donna Krueger's mission is to "create and cultivate a community of art excellence".  This show was focused on the importance of cultivating the love of art starting at a young age.


Kandrac & Krueger - Kandrac & Kole Blog

Joann Kandrac & Donna Krueger

I am a huge fan of these artists so when I heard about this show, I immediately put it on my calendar.  Even though I was leaving for a mission trip to Guatemala the next day, I did not want to miss it.  We agreed to celebrate Father's Day on Saturday June, 14th by attending the show and then going to dinner with our daughters.

I'm embarrassed  to admit it, but I think we were the first ones there :)

The Arvid boys, 13 year old Jimmy and 11 year old Christopher were adorable and very friendly.

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I surprised my husband with 2 Father's Day Gifts!

Jimmy Arvid - Kandrac & Kole Blog

This framed piece by Jimmy Arvid

Christopher Arvid - Kandrac & Kole Blog

and the painted wooden fish by Christopher Arvid.

These will look awesome in his "masculine" office!

I was also thrilled to spend a few minutes talking to Thomas Arvid

Thomas Arvid - Kandrac & Kole blog

You can see his amazing artwork in the background!  His paintings of wine bottles, glasses and labels is so realistic, you can't even believe they are paintings!  -  Check out his website here!  One of Arvid's favorite sayings is"Life without art is like dinner without wine."

Unfortunately I didn't get to visit with Steve Penley and his son Lyall.  We have used Steve's paintings in several projects and love his work.  Check out his website here.  This is one of my favorites that we used in a commercial lobby space.

Penley Statue of Liberty - Kandrac & Kole Blog

photo credit Jill Buckner Photography

Here is another favorite that was featured at dk Gallery:

Penley Reagin - Kandrac & Kole Blog

As you can see in the piece below, his son Lyall definitely got the "artistic gene".

Lyle Penley - Kandrac & kole Blog

I love how original art makes such a statement in a home and creates a memory.  Every time I look at the pieces I purchased for my husband it takes me back to that day at the gallery and what a memorable Father's Day it was.   I will be keeping my eye on these young boys because they are sure to be "famous" like their fathers if it's something they decide to pursue.
