Episode 22: Tips to Designing a Great Home Office

Tips to Designing a Great Home Office

An estimated 3 million Americans work from home. Many people who work from home claim to be more productive because they’re not in a loud environment or distracted by co-workers.  There are some obvious advantages of working from home: avoiding a nightmare commute and getting to work in your PJs. Employers see working from home as  fewer sick days, employee retention, and less money spent on office space.

A. Running a business
B. A full time job
C. An occasional telecommute
D. A place to pay bills

A. Choose a good location – Somewhere you can concentrate and separate from home life.
i. Good light
1. Natural light is best – but also consider:
Ambient:  Lighting that’s used to fill most of the room, usually from overhead
Accent: A light fixture used to highlight a specific feature like a bookcase, fireplace or piece of art
Task: Light fixtures for a specific purpose, like a desk lamp

ii. A good view
1. Try to use a room with a window (being in the dark can be gloomy)

iii. Create as much storage as possible
1.  This is key to keeping your office neat and tidy as well as being organized.  A cluttered space can mean a cluttered mind!

B. Function
i.  Think about this before anything.  Consider this space as one of the most important rooms in your house and know that this area is where you need to be most productive.
ii. Purchase office furniture that works well for you.  Some people prefer an L shaped desk and others a large table.  Consider a stand up desk.
iii. Secure cords underneath to hide unsightly wires.
iv. Invest in a good chair – we like the Think Chair by Steelcase
v. Cork boards/chalk boards are great for calendars and important lists and notes.
vi. Put monitors on shelves to create space underneath.
vii. Make fun organizers for pens/pencils, paper clips etc.  – use mason jars, vintage glasses, etc.

C. Aesthetics
i. Paint the wall a color you love
1. Surround yourself with as much beauty as possible (A dark blah color can be depressing)

ii. Fill the walls with art
1. Hang art that speaks to you.  A gallery of meaningful photos or inspirational quotes can be motivating.
a. Minted.com
b. 20×200.com

2. Have some type of greenery – Purifies the air and boosts productivity.  These are the top 4 plants:
a. Spider plant
b. Lemon balm
c. Philodendron
d. Peace Lily

iii. Add color with accessories:
1. Rugs
2. Window Treatments
3. Add a comfortable chair with a throw to use for taking breaks or for a visitor
