Scholarly Inspiration

My daughter Emory is a Sr. in high school so we have been touring colleges and universities all over the East Coast for the last year. I really love strolling thru one gorgeous campus after another. The architecture and design on these campuses is very inspiring.I grew up in Princeton, NJ so I automatically gravitate toward those classic gothic, ivy covered buildings like the ones at Princeton University.

One summer my daughter studied at my mothers alma mater, Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY. I was surprised by the variety of architecture on the campus. Among the typical Edwardian and Victorian architectural designs that I expected, looms a dormitory called Noyes House designed by Eero Saarinen.

Is this the coolest student lounge or what?

Inspired by the Pantheon in Rome, Thomas Jefferson designed the iconic Rotunda at The University of Virginia which made my heart skip a beat when I saw it in person.

Emory wasn't interested in going to Ohio, but I would have loved to have seen the variety of architecture at The University of Cincinnati. I can't imagine an athletic facility this gorgeous.

Thankfully I get to continue these historical, inspirational and magnificant tours in another two years for my daughter Riley.