The editors from House Beautiful asked those of us that attended Blogfest 2012 what inspires us and what "aha moment" we have created in our work.  So here it is......

My "aha moment" was when we created a before and after that I could use to encourage "those men" that think wood should never be painted!!  I don't know what it is about men, but we seem to run across these issues:

1.  The TV is the most important thing in the home.

2.  The recliner is the second most important item in the home.

2.  They hyperventilate at the thought of painting "wood".

So, AHA, here it is, my chance to sway you that it's not only OK to paint wood, it can be life changing as it is for this family in Marietta, Georgia.  This is my favorite before and after of our work!!

The "Before"

The "After"

Have I convinced you yet??

Photos courtesy of  Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs and Jill Buckner Photography