Lovin' the HGTV Green Home at Serenbe

I was so happy when the HGTV Green Home for 2012 was announced. Not only was it going to be designed by my architect buddy Steve Kemp, but it was to be located at Serenbe - a very, very special place in Atlanta that I have written about many times.

Here are a few of my favorite spaces in this amazing home (which by the way will be GIVEN AWAY in late June - watch the Dreams Happen Blog to follow who won!)

Overall, the home was organic, clean and crisp, joyful from pops of color and super cozy. A green home can clearly be a home that anyone could love!

I absolutely drooled over the kitchen. In many of the spaces, I noticed a great use of tile especially on the walls.

I fell head over heals in love with this countertop. Manufactured by Dex Industries, it is a combination of Atlanta seashells and post consumer beer bottles from a local brewery mixed in a cement binder and polished to a high shine  - that's as green as it gets! One of these days, my master bathroom will be renovated and this will definitely be the countertop for me!

The tile in the laundry room covered the wall like little gems.

The kitchen looked into the family room which was not too serious yet still very tasteful.

Off of the master bedroom was this private little porch area - check out the doghouse - OMG!!!!  What creative genius thought this up? My dogs would dig this big time!

This bedroom made me gasp out loud. Really? It was spectacular - the pops of green were so fresh and so appropriate!  How about the pail coming down from the loft? "Mom - more popcorn please!"

This house was filled with clever touches like this free flowing fixture at the top of the stairs - again more pops of fun color!

I think every outdoor seat should have a yummy throw on the back to take away the evening chill - don't you? And another clever idea - hide the grill and all the meal prep messiness behind a pretty stone wall!

This vignette is a perfect example of how abstract art, contemporary fabric, a repurposed table and rustic frames can all be mixed together - PERFECTION!

After visiting the market, having a raspberry lime King of Pops popsicle (YUMM-OHHHH), my friend Dina and I did what is so natural at Serenbe - we ended the evening in the rocking chairs watching the sun set.
