Home Is Where the Heart Is - Guatemala Style - Part 1

I love my job. I love creating spaces that bring a happy, calming, peace to a family because their surroundings are beautiful, comfortable, and celebrate what is important to them.

For the first time in my career, I realized what it was like to accomplish this in a third world country.

In the village of Labor de Falla in Guatemala it's not about customized sofas, commissioned art and crystal chandeliers. It's about concrete floors instead of dirt, a stove that vents outside the small home instead of straight into the sleeping area, and a door that locks.



Along with my 16 year old daughter Riley, my best friend from college and 35 others, I traveled to Guatemala last June to team up with Catalyst Resources International to build four homes for families living in the village of Labor de Falla.



In this village, most families live in small huts. They have electricity (usually a stray bulb hanging here and there) but it's very expensive. They have fresh water which only gets delivered thru an outdoor pipe on certain days and at certain times. The wash is done outside in a basin which collects rain water.

This is the home of the family I was honored to be building for:





The plans were simple but it's all we needed.



Who knew we had such skills?



Day 1 was quite amazing.



Of course Riley was making friends all along the way!



Soon we had walls and windows ... OMG this is becoming a real house!



We had brought an enormous amout of supplies to the village from home (mostly for the small school there) but with my rusty Spanish, I asked the father Esteban for all the shoe sizes in the family. We returned the next day with shoes for all. Quite a humbling experience to put new shoes on a child who didn't have any at all....



On the last day, the roof went up and it was time to tidy!



This family has (6) kids. The family of 8 slept together in 2 beds so having new beds was quite a thrill!



Even more exciting when you live in a country riddled with violence and crime? A door that locks and keeps your meager possessions and your children safe.



We grew very attached to our family over the course of a week and it was hard to leave.



The oldest daughter, Diana, wrote me this letter which I keep in my bible and cherish.



It says: "To our beloved friends Kelly and Riley, by means of this letter, we thank you for the beautiful gift you have given us. We cannot pay you, but our God will have big rewards for you. God bless you. Love your family, Esteban, Candelaria, Yoselin, Elian, Rosa, Brenda, Yeimi and Herica."

I have to admit, that interior design Guatemala style is the most rewarding thing I've done in my career. I look around my beautiful home and those of my clients here in the U.S., and I'm grateful for the smallest of things - warmth, comfort, cleanliness, safety - all the same things I could give to Esteban and his family.

I returned to the home of Esteban and Candelaria two weeks ago so stay tuned for Part 2 of this series!

Happy Thanksgiving!



P.S. If you'd like to support CRI and our next visit in June 2013 (we will be building more homes, helping with a new orphanage and bringing nurses for medical visits to the village), please contact me at kelly@kandrac-kole.com or click HERE to donate online. Please designate your donation to Kelly Kole June 2013. 

Dios les bendiga (God Bless You).