A New Look for Kandrac & Kole - COMING VERY SOON!

In August of 2013, Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs, Inc. will celebrate it's 8th Anniversary!!

We've come a long way from that first Decorator Showhouse we did back in 2005 for Governors TownClub!

We've become nationally recognized in our profession, we've traveled across the U.S. in pursuit of growth and learning, we've made incredible friends in the biz, we have built an exhaustive list of resources, we've designed spaces that still amaze us, we have clients we adore and most importantly, we are still having a BLAST.

But for now, it's time for our sweet "doll heads" to retire...

Our favorite colors (pink and green) to take a rest....

But have no fear, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

Keep your eye on this blog, the REVEAL is coming very, very soon!

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