Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Lisa Mende announced that she had been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award (SOWBA) by Holly Hollingsworth Phillips of The English Room a few days ago.  Lisa then tagged me and Kelly along with 8 other bloggers as her list of 10 nominees.

Sisterhood of the world bloggers

Thank you Lisa for nominating me!  Here is the list of questions Lisa asked me to answer!

Lisa Mende - Kandrac & Kole Blog

1.   If you could have any job besides the one you have right now, what would it be?  An interior design daytime talk show host - I would love to give viewers the real version of interior design (not the HGTV, so called "reality" version).  I would also interview designers from all over the country as well as so many I've come to call friends through industry events.

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2. If you had one day completely alone how would you fill your time? I would stay home all day in my favorite pajamas, read every shelter magazine I could get my hands on and eat Costco trail mix and drink iced green tea!




3.   What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken? My first trip to Italy.  I went to Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome and Sicily with my Mom who was born and raised there.  I did not want to leave!


4. What is one vacation spot on your bucket list? More of Italy - including Lake Como and the Amalfi Coast.

5. What is your favorite little luxury? A manicure and pedicure

6. What is your favorite summertime drink? A Mojto


photo credit

7. If you could pick any designer, living or dead, to decorate your house, who would it be? Parker Kennedy Living - we have the same aesthetic and love of color. 


8. If you could rewind twenty years and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be? Love and relationships above all is where you find true happiness.

9. What is your favorite family tradition? Friday Spa Night - Something I created with my granddaughter since she was 4 years old.  She is almost 6.


10.  What is your most prized possession besides your family? My engagement ring.  It is a 2-1/2 carat marquis cut diamond.  I am celebrating 30 years of marriage this year and have the most dedicated, loving and amazing husband.

Drew:Joann Kandrac

Thank you Lisa for nominating me.  I now nominate....

Sherry Hart of Design Indulgence Blog

Pamela Copeman Interior Design

Vicki Bolick of  The Ace of Space Blog

Kerrie Kelly - Kerrie Kelly Design Lab

Erika Ward Interiors

Megan Pesce - MK Design

Chenault Van Winkle- Chenault James Interiors

Lisa Gabrielson Design

Tam Stone 

Liz Carroll Interiors

The questions I would like you ladies to answer are: (I borrowed)

1.  What is your favorite paint color?

2.  What is your favorite movie?

3.  What are some of the challenges you face in your work?

4.  If you weren't an interior designer, what would be your dream job?

5.  If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (alive or dead) who would it be?

6.  Who have been your greatest mentors?

7.  What is your favorite design project?

8. How do you spoil yourself?

9.  What is the best gift you ever received?

10.  What are 3 things you can't live without (besides God, family and friends)?

