Why Custom Products Set Our Designs Apart
A large part of our value as professional interior designers is our ability to bring the designs in our heads to life thru our hard earned partnerships with talented artisans and craftspeople. Translated another way, it's our ability to make special requests from our clients a reality.
Recently we got ourselves out of a big jam by calling in our troops to customize some closet doors in the room we are designing for the upcoming Magnolia Designer Showhouse sponsored by Atlanta Magazine.
We are designing the Gentleman's Bath and Dressing Room for the Magnolia Designer Showhouse. The double doors leading into the closet were VERY drab with zero personality. What to do? We were going to replace the doors but the contractor that we were working with was being very unresponsive so we had to find a second solution (which ended up to be the BEST solution and most cost effective).
We turned to one of our master wood workers Mitch Mitton of Mitton Theme Design to solve this problem for us. (Yes I realize many designers would not share a sacred source but we are all about promoting our peeps and helping them be successful in their field.)
We shared an inspiration drawing with Mitch and left him to work his magic in his shop. In two days he pushed these out for us so we could stay on schedule.
The doors are currently installed and waiting to be painted in a glossy color - Sherwin Williams Morris Room Grey. Are they incredible or what?
While I'm bragging about Mitch's incredible talents, let me share with you a mirror he just made for me.
I was at dinner at the River Course in Kiawah, SC. I've been to this restaurant many times and have always drooled over these mirrors that are in the lounge area.
kiawah mirror
I really wanted one just like it to put in the foyer of my home but I wanted to tweek the design because I didn't like the "droopy boobs" on the sides. I sent several photos to Mitch and he redrew the design until I was satisfied with it.
Kelly mirror012
Once the design was approved, he set to work. I'm in awe that he can cut the wood so intricately.
Mitch got the stain color, the distressing, the texture, the thickness of the wood, the inside molding exactly as I wanted.
Better than the inspiration if you ask me!
Working with professionals like Mitch sets our designs and our talents apart from other designers and decorators . Joann and I have worked hard to vet out craftspeople that share our love of design, our worth ethic and our commitment to putting our clients desires first. Creating one of a kind pieces is a thrill!
If you'd like to see these doors in person, please come visit us at the Magnolia Designer Showhouse starting October 19th!