Episode 169 - Am I Too Young for This? Tips for Aging in Place

“Aging in Place” means choosing to stay in your home with family, friends and neighbors instead of moving to a residential facility as you grow older. You may not have a choice if your home stops accommodating your needs or becomes a safety concern. This doesn’t just pertain to “older” people. It can be anyone with special needs, an injury or parents living with them. 

With thoughtful consideration, you can increase accessibility without sacrificing great design.


  • It is possible to decorate your home in a classy, beautiful way that is both an accessible and a functional space.

  • You are never too young to be thinking about ways to make your life easier in the future. Disabilities can come up at any age, such as MS, limitations from a stroke, or having to use a wheelchair for any period of time. 

  • Being prepared can set you up for success in the unfortunate event that something happens. Do any renovations now, before you are in a situation where they have to be done as a result of aging or an accident happening.