Episode 74 - Sunshine on a Ranney Day Non-Profit

We are happy to introduce our guests this morning Peter and Holly Ranney.  They are the founders of “Sunshine on a Ranney Day” which is a non-profit organization that renovates homes for children with special needs here in Atlanta.  Through partnerships and donors, they provide, at no cost, wheelchair accessible bathrooms, dream bedrooms and in-home therapy rooms.

A. The history:

1. When was it founded?

2. What inspired them to create this?

B. How does it run?

1. Board members

2. General contractors

3. Interior Designers

4. Volunteers

C. How are kids chosen?

a. Application Process – posted twice per year

D. Partners:  To name a few, Rooms to Go, Cambria, Delta, The Braves, California Closets, as well as Media Partners, WSB, I Heart Media and Non-Profit partners, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Make a Wish Georgia and Camp Twin Lakes.  Please see the website for the entire list.

1. Tell us about some of the projects

2. What was the most memorable project?

3. Do you plan to expand outside of the Atlanta area?

4. How can people get involved?

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