A Passion for Collecting

I've always been intrigued by collections.  Not the usual, i.e., coin collections, doll collections and the like, but the unique ones that have a story that I'm really drawn to.

What a brilliant idea!  I love how the globes are mixed in with travel memories.

What a stately way to show off vintage silver.  This would be a wonderful collection to inherit :)

Lord knows the opportunities of items to collect are endless and sometimes the quirkier the collection, the better it looks....

Who would have ever thought weathervanes on the wall could look so great?

Vintage hats -  you know there's a story behind every one of them!!

I've never seen plates displayed this way, I will have to copy this!!

And lastly, what a gorgeous collection of old mirrors.  Makes you want to start collecting something doesn't it?

Images via pinterest