The Top 3 Dinner Table Questions You Should Ask!!

Research shows that the importance of having dinner together as a family at least four times a week has positive effects on child development.

Whether your dinner table is formal....

or casual....

All that matters is that there is a feeling of "togetherness".  Conversations at the dinner table expand the vocabulary and reading ability of children. Family dinners allow every member of the family to discuss his or her day and share any exciting news.

I love this creative idea from "We are THAT family"

Here's an example of some questions:

o  What are you thankful for?

o  What was the best/worst thing that happened today?

o What do you hope for tomorrow?

I think this is so fun and a wonderful way to start meaningful table conversations!!

 Find some more great conversation starters here and a tutorial to turn your dining table into a work of art here.