The Top 100 Interior Design Blogs by Modenus

I still remember saying to my husband not too long ago, "I simply do not understand what a blog IS - is it a website???" He patiently tried to explain that blogs are more of a creative on line journal.

Aaaaah! Well after writing our blog for more than 3 years - I get it now!

It's become quite an addiction for me now - not only writing for our blog but reading other blogs. Blogs are an unending sources of creativity, useful information, eye candy, inspiration and more.

Do you read many blogs? If not, here's a tremendous resource for you curated by Modenus.

Modenus is a networking platform and resource catalog for the interior design community.  Design professionals and anyone else passionate about interior design can connect in our forums, find inspiration in our daily blogs, Before & After submissions and live event coverage.  Modenus is free to users and very easy to use.

The best news?

Kandrac & Kole is Blog #32 on the list!! Woohooo!

Click HERE to read this fantastic list of BLOGS!

(We suggest adding it to your bookmark bar - it's a great resource to keep).

Thank you Modenus!

Bloggers, Modenuskelly1 Comment