Great Finds at Scott's Antique Market

I've been dying to go to Scott's Antique Market for several months and finally Joann and I made the time to go this Friday. We discovered some great finds as usual. Our main mission was to find unique and interesting table top and bookcase accessories for several jobs we are working on but of course we wandered quite a bit.....

I loved this hand painted buoy art from environmental artist Charles Scarborough. (Notice the 3-D element with 3 actual buoys hanging on the board). 


These hand carved wood mushrooms from France were being sold by Misty Fowler of M. Fowler Antiques. They were so exquisite.


My daughter Riley wants a boho/gypsy look in her college apartment next year. I bought her a cool Kantha pillow from Nikki Robelen at String Theory Home.


 To be honest, these weren't comfortable, but ya gotta love the ingenuity (get it? It's an iron tub cut in half).


Joann thought this fur handbag with horn handle was the ultimate accessory for our diva designer friend Holly Hollingsworth Phillips of The English Room


We are designing a lot of models right now. These ready made drapes from Global-Weave were some of the prettiest I've ever seen. 


A grandfather/grandson team has been coming to Scott's for 17 years. I love this simple little chair in an easy linen. I'm going to buy several to put in the corners of bedrooms in the models we are designing. At $375 each I can't go wrong!


Of of my favorite vendors at Scott's is Larry Smith (you can reach him at With only one working hand, he masterfully creates one of a kind architectural bird houses that are scale models of historic buildings throughout America. 

This one is of the Gilbert Stuart Home in Saunderstown, Rhode Island. Amazing!


I was sad my daughter Riley wasn't with me because she loves to create jewelry with unique beads, buddhas, horns etc. She would have been in heaven. 



I thought these vintage spools from a cotton mill from my friend Kemp Hickey would look interesting in a big bookcase I've got to fill up with accessories. 


Lastly because I always have a chair fetish when I go to Scott's, I leave you with this darling pair of antique chairs. I just want to put them in a corner and stare at their petite beauty. Sigh... too many chairs in my home already. 


Scott's is one of the largest antique markets in the U.S.  We are lucky to have it here in Atlanta the second weekend of every month. It's definitely worth coming into town for the weekend!
